Hint: The former BadRAM-page can be found at http://webrum.uni-mannheim.de/math/schmoigl/linux.
BadMEM is the successor of the V4-series of the BadRAM patch which
was originally programmed by Rick
van Rein. It is an open-source attempt to make today's Linux
Kernels work with (partly) faulty memory modules. For more convenience,
I (Nico Schmoigl) decided to have it
hosted by .
For more information (for example the BadMEM-HOWTO) on this issue please have look into the Documentation.
Due to the long thread on the usage of BadMEM at Slashdot some time ago, here is a short discussion on that issue. Additionally here are some snapshots from this Slashdot thread.
A similar project, which works under Win9x and DOS can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/badxms.
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