
Nico Schmoigl

A binary orientated network-wide protocol for submitting information about bad memory modules.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
A MDF command
A sequence of MDF commands
2. The MDF command reference
MDFCMD_VERSION - Version definition
MDFCMD_END - End of protocol
MDFCMD_MODULENAME - Start of a new module
MDFCMD_MODULESIZE - Setting the size of a module
MDFCMD_PATTERN - Submission of a BadMEM pattern
The V2-with-ubound pattern standard
3. A recommended MDF sequence
List of Tables
1-1. mdf_cmd structure
2-1. valid constants for the command field of an MDF command
2-2. Pattern type definition
2-3. structure of the V2-with-ubound pattern

Chapter 1. Introduction

The MDF (Memory Data Format) procotol is a block-orientated, abstract protocol, normally (but not necessarily) restricted to files and to memory areas. The block size depends on the amount of data specified with the given command. A sequence of MDF commands (see later) describes one (or more) memory modules (and its bad areas) uniquely.

A MDF command

A MDF command consists at least of the following bytes:

Table 1-1. mdf_cmd structure

0x00unsigned 8-bitcommandDescribes the type of action which should be taken when reading this command; see reference below for more details which actions can be triggered.
0x01unsigned 16-bit network ordersub-commandA (not-yet-used) sub command for specifing the exact action which should be taken
0x03unsigned 8-bitlengthStores how many bytes are in the data area which will follow this MDF command

Summarized, you can see that this structure has a total length of four bytes. Please note that after these bytes, there might be additional data which length is stated in the length field. Note that therefore the maximal amount of bytes in the data area is always restricted to 255 bytes; a length of zero means that no additional data is available.

A sequence of MDF commands

A sequence of MDF commands is one (or normally more) MDF commands concatinated in a specific, user-defined order. Please note that between the given commands there may be additional data as already stated during the definition of the command.

Therefore a valid sequence may look like this:

| cmd1 | subcmd1 | len1 | ***** data1 ***** | cmd2 | subcmd2 | len2 | cmd3 | subcmd3 | len3 | ** data3 ** |

But please note that the length of the data1-field is always the same as len1 (the same on data3 and len3, too, for sure!)

Chapter 2. The MDF command reference

Every bit combination of the command field in a MDF command symbolizes a certain action to be performed. Here are their meanings:

Table 2-1. valid constants for the command field of an MDF command

content in the command fieldabbrevationdescription
0x01MDFCMD_VERSIONDefines the current version of this protocol
0xffMDFCMD_ENDThe MDF protocol ends here; all data after this mark should not be interpretated as MDF commands
0x10MDFCMD_MODULENAMEDefinition of module identification name
0x11MDFCMD_SIZEDefinition of module size
0x20MDFCMD_PATTERNSubmission of a pattern line for bad spots in a memory module

All other bytes not specified above are still unused; their meaning is not defined here. Therefore they should not be used in practice.

The commands above will now be discussed:

MDFCMD_VERSION - Version definition


sub-command: see description

length: always 0

data: nothing


Defines the protocol version. The sub-command holds the version number. As this is the first release, sub-command should be always 1.

Further releases will always be compatible to earlier versions. Therefore, unknown commands should be skipped without taking any action.

Important:Any MDF data should begin with this command to make sure that the interpreter may use the correct command set

MDFCMD_END - End of protocol

command: MDFCMD_END

sub-command: does not matter

length: always 0

data: nothing


This tells the interpreter that beyond this mark, no new command should be looked at.

This features enables the MDF specification to be included into other (network) protocols.

MDFCMD_MODULENAME - Start of a new module


sub-command: always 0

length: see description

data: see description


MDFCMD_MODULENAME starts a new module definition. There is no "MODULE END" command; the next MDFCMD_MODULENAME starts a new module, closing the old one.

In the field data, you must specify an unique (globally, if possible) qualifier. The length of this qualifier is stored in the length field. The qualifier can consist of any byte combination. Please do not use the 0x0 byte as this may be confusing. It is recommended to use only tty-characters.

MDFCMD_MODULESIZE - Setting the size of a module

requires: a MDFCMD_MODULENAME must be prior this command


sub-command: always 0

length: see description (recommendation: 4)

data: see description


Defines the maximal size of the modules, defined by latest MDFCMD_MODULENAME command. If specified more than once for a module, the last MDFCMD_MODULESIZE is the valid one.

The actual module size is store in the data field. The field length stores its length. The data is in network order. The unit of the size is in (pure) bytes.

It is recommended to use an unsigned 32-bit value in network order for submission.

MDFCMD_PATTERN - Submission of a BadMEM pattern


sub-command: depends on type

length: depends on type

data: see description


There are several types of patterns:

Table 2-2. Pattern type definition

0x0000ANCIENTPlease not use this pattern type - it is too old
0x0002V2Due to the lack of upper bounds, please do not use the standard V2-type
0x0003V2-with-uboundThis is the preferred pattern type

The V2-with-ubound pattern standard

A V2-with-ubound structure consists of four fields:

Table 2-3. structure of the V2-with-ubound pattern

0x00unsigned 32-bit network orderlboundcontains the lower bound of the pattern
0x04unsigned 32-bit network ordermaskcontains the general mask of the pattern
0x08unsigned 32-bit network orderuboundcontains the upper bound of the pattern
0x0bunsigned 32-bit network orderoffsetcontains the (logical) offset of the pattern

If you need futher information what the single fields do, please read the BadMEM Pattern Specification, which you can download from

Please note that the normal length of a V2-with-ubound structure is 16 bytes.

Chapter 3. A recommended MDF sequence

The following sequence of MDF commands is a recommended prototype: